Hard to please everyone

Rob Oakeshott should be the last person to talk about broken pre-election promises. What about Julia’s “There will never be a Carbon Tax by a Parliament I lead” plus many other fibs.
He must acknowledge that Federal Govt has taken $5 billion GST away from the Coalition Govt and leaving a big black hole instead of a healthy balance of cash.
Mark Vaile added the Pacific Highway to National network and although I remember clearly him so doing, I can’t remember the exact date but it was certainly in place when Coalition created Auslink program in 2004. Auslink was the biggest change to road funding since Federation. Earlier funding agreements only covered the New England Highway between Sydney and Brisbane, but Auslink included both New England and Pacific Highways.
On November 11, 2008, Labor Government announced NSW Mini Budget contribution for period 2009/10 to 2013/14 would be reduced from $800M to $500M. February/March National Partnership Agreement signed by Ministers Albanese, Campbell and Daley $2451M Federal funding and $500m State being 83 per cent and 17 per cent. March 2009 Additional $48M Federal committed towards Pacific Highway (jointly announced 27 April that this would be for Glenugie upgrade, May 2009 Federal Budget committed $618M from the Building Australia Fund for the Kempsey Bypass, June 2009. Updated National partnership Agreement incorporating Building Australia Fund projects signed by ministers Albanese, Campbell and Daley. September 2010 Federal Govt committed $35M additional funding for Oxley Highway to Kempsey in arrangement with Member for Lyne. May and September 2011 Federal and State budgets committed an additional $720M and $468M respectively during Nation Building 1 period. June and May, September were all on an 80 per cent Fed and 20 per cent State, the rest over 80 per cent Fed and less than 20 per cent State.
With so much evidence of the 80 per cent and 20 per cent, there is no basis for Federal Government now to be demanding 50/50 per cent because there is a Coalition State Government instead of Labor State Government who had been there for so long a time.
Governments should be trying to do the best possible for our communities. Sydney is a disaster where folk sit stationary for hours travelling to and from work and those people are not happy. Our Highways are killing people off constantly so we are not happy.
It is very hard to please everyone, but don’t stop trying.
D Johnston OAM
Via email

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