Now it’s personal

Independent Lyne MP Rob Oakeshott has been the target of a political campaign that has been described as “a personal attack”.
The local MP has been the subject of a website attack by the Nationals, at, in response to what they say is negative sentiment against him amongst his constituency.
Although approached about the website, Mr Oakeshott’s office declined to comment.
However, many have been vocal on the controversial move.
Micah Challenge Australia National Coordinator John Beckett said he was “disappointed to see the mocking use the NSW Nationals have made of the photo of Rob Oakeshott sitting on a giant prop toilet”.
Micah Challenge is a global movement of Christian agencies, churches, groups and individuals which aims to deepen people’s engagement with the poor and to help reduce poverty as an integral part of our Christian faith.
“I understand that the National Party intends to campaign hard against Mr Oakeshott in the seat of Lyne. Fair enough,” Mr Beckett stated.
“But the Nationals’ attack website badly misrepresents the photograph.
“Rob Oakeshott took his seat atop the novelty toilet in support of a campaign to provide decent sanitation to the 2.5 billion people worldwide who don’t have it.
“Diarrhoea is the second largest killer of children worldwide, and causes the deaths of more children under the age of five than measles, malaria and AIDS combined. Almost all of these deaths are caused by lack of access to — or poor quality — water, sanitation and hygiene.
“Surely this issue deserves the attention of our elected representatives.
“Mr Oakeshott, along with others who offered their time and support, should be encouraged rather than ridiculed for taking such a stand.
“As well as Mr Oakeshott, WA Liberal Senator Michaelia Cash was also photographed on the toilet at this event, expressing her support for the same cause.
“Some things ought to be above politics.
“The dignity and health of 2.5 billion of the poorest people on the planet surely is one of those things.”
Duty Senator for Lyne John Williams said the Nationals are “stepping up their campaign to rid the electorate of a man who is supporting the carbon tax”.
His sentiments were reiterated at the controversial website with statements that included:
“We can allow the dysfunction of the current Labor/Green/Independent Government to continue, or we can take action to get rid of Rob and plan a positive future.
“If you think that it’s time to get rid of Rob, please help out by donating or volunteering to the Nationals’ federal election campaign for the Lyne electorate to say goodbye to Rob Oakeshott once and for all.”

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