Even split?

D Johnston, you never cease to amaze me with your letters trying to defend the indefensible (Letters June 21).
The NRMA is under no illusions. It states categorically on its website that it was the Howard Government in 2006 that set the 50/50 funding split with the State Government for the Pacific Highway and that the NRMA had supported that approach right to this day.
The NRMA asserts that attempts by the present NSW Government to now have us believe that there was some sort of agreement for an 80/20 split is disingenuous and will do nothing to get the road upgraded by 2016.
It just looks as though Mr O’Farrell and Mr Baird never had any intention of allocating funding according to precedent in the budget for the Pacific Highway and used a lie to rationalise their chicanery. That is probably why we’re not hearing anything from the previously vociferous Nationals, Andrew Fraser and Luke Hartsuyker, because they know that their Liberal colleagues have dudded them.

Patrick Lee
Port Macquarie

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