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I am deeply offended by Tony Abbott’s remarks following the budget, “That he can’t trust mums and dads of Australia to spend the School Children’s Education Bonus on the children they would waste it or spend it on poker machines” and he would reverse it if elected.
What planet is he on! Does he care or know what it is like to juggle your income to make sure your child does not miss out on school outings, text books, sport shoes or a school uniform. I think not.
We have been receiving the Education Bonus for the past couple of year, approx $367.00, but you had to put in a tax return and also have saved your school receipts. The problem is that a percentage of school children’s parents did not receive the Education Bonus because of their parents being on a pension or low income did not have to fill out a tax return. This is a much fairer system.
There are approximately 43,000 children living with grandparents or in kinship care, having taken up the roll of parenting, and Abbott had the hide to say we can’t be trusted!
Well Mr Abbott you certainly have not got mine and my husband’s vote and possibly the other carers of the remaining 42,999 as well.
Beverly Sharpe
Port Macquarie

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