Losing their way

There have been two recent decisions by the state coalition that have confirmed my opinion that the National Party has lost its moral compass as well as supporting poor policies for rural and regional NSW, these include:
– The decision by the coalition to raise the rental costs of social housing by roughly the same amount as the Federal Government’s carbon price assistant package. These funds were put in place to help the community’s most disadvantaged to be able to offset price increases associated with carbon pricing not ‘top up’ the NSW Government coffers.
– The decision to allow shooting in our National Parks to enable legislation regarding the privatisation of electricity to pass. National Parks are a very important tourism asset for regional NSW and generate considerable income to local economies. I recently read there are approx 35 million visitations per annum whereas the game council has only 20,000 registered members. The thought of using these reserves to please the shooters party beggars believe.
When you add to this the number of policy backflips such as funding for Pacific Highway, protection of water resources and prime agricultural land, slashing of jobs in rural NSW (Grafton is a great example), the excessive increases in electricity pricing, a Sydney centric budget, total silence on how the agricultural sector can benefit from carbon farming initiative (you wouldn’t want to talk against the position of your big brother the Liberal Party despite the benefits for the communities you are supposed to represent) and others, you have just confirmed why having an Independent represent our community is the go. I suppose that’s why Richard Torbay is hesitant to join the state National Party, it would be difficult to be associated with these decisions and behaviour when you are a career driven politician.
Daniel Williams
Crescent Head

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