Aged care in spotlight

We would like to applaud Mid-North Coast Dementia Pathways Forum for addressing the major issue in our community “AGED CARE” [“Putting Ageing on your agenda”, Port News July 23].
We endorse the request that potential councillors avail themselves of the knowledge relating to the dementia epidemic and other age related illnesses prevalent in our community.
In reality the issue of living with dementia impacts on the majority of local families, friends and on our community as a whole, not just those who have been diagnosed.
Hastings District Respite Care Inc run four Day Care Dementia Programs in the Hastings; Sherwood, Greenmeadows, Wauchope and Laurieton, servicing the whole of the Hastings District.
The newest centre at Greenmeadows is already one year old, special thanks to Rob Oakeshott, Peter Besselling, the Catholic Church and our local council for making this happen. This centre is now operating four days a week, with potential to do more if our new councillors take up the lead and make aged care and dementia services a priority.
It is imperative that all potential councillors make themselves aware of the urgency of this matter. Working with the Dementia Pathways Forum will provide accurate and impartial information.

The Management Team
Hastings District Respite Care Inc

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