Expo to generate jobs growth

The Jobs and Skills Expo will return to Taree later this year.
The expo would once again link employers, employment service providers and training organisations with job seekers.
The last expo in December 2010 was attended by about 1500 people.
Another two expos in Port Macquarie attracted similar numbers and the outcome has been real jobs for hundreds of local people.
Independent Lyne MP Rob Oakeshott said, “It is events such as these that have contributed to our lowest-ever unemployment rate, down to 6.4 per cent. It’s a long way from the unacceptable near-double digit figures we inherited in 2008.
Local businesses interested in exhibiting or advertising a job vacancy at the Taree expo should phone 13 11 58 or visit the website at www.humanservices.gov.au/expos
The Taree Jobs and Skills Expo will be held at the Taree PCYC in Commerce Street on Wednesday, November 7.

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