Raising issues

In response to comments in your paper last week by Jaci Cartwright of the Port Macquarie Hastings Foreshore Protection Association regarding the adopted Plan of Management for Westport Park, I wish to correct some of her information for the benefit of your readers.
Firstly, the Foreshore Land Advisory Group (FLAG) is made up of representatives of the Department of Lands, the Port Macquarie Chamber of Commerce, Port Macquarie Tourism, Port Macquarie Hastings Foreshore Pro-tection Association and Port Macquarie-Hastings Council as well as two community representatives.
Ms Cartwright says she was disappointed that I didn’t acknowledge the petition of 16,000 signatures at the rally at Westport Park. Wrong. If you read the quotes I gave to the newspaper journalist, Prime TV reporter and both 2MC and ABC News, you will see or hear that I made particular mention of the great work of our local community and thanked all of the people who signed the petition. I also thanked the members of FLAG.
Ms Cartwright also claims that at the last FLAG meeting it was apparently decided that everyone would be together for a photo opportunity. The Minutes of the meeting do not reflect this claim.
Similarly her claim that a letter would be sent to the Minister seeking approval for FLAG to now focus its attention to develop a Plan of Management for the remaining Port Macquarie Foreshore. Yes that is being done, but it wasn’t agreed that it would be sent at the same time as the Plan of Management for Westport Park.  In fact, FLAG had previously written to the Minister indicating our wish to be involved in the planning of the remainder of the foreshore.
It is disappointing that if Ms Cartwright had any issues with the last FLAG meeting, she didn’t raise them when the Minutes were sent out for approval, rather than in the media.
This is a project that our entire community has worked towards for many years to protect our beautiful open space for generations to come, not just particular interest groups.
I trust this clarifies the situation for both your readers and Ms Cartwright. I look forward to continuing to work with her on the development of a Plan of Management for the Port Macquarie Foreshore.

Leslie Williams MP
Port Macquarie

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