She wrote me a letter

I have just received a professional looking post-card claiming that the carbon tax will increase the price of home activities requiring the use of electricity by at least 10 per cent. There was no obvious indication of who it was from.
Careful examination revealed a minuscule line, which I could only read in good light with my glasses on, that it had been authorised by NSW National Party Senator Fiona Nash.
The Australian Govern-ment is committed to addressing the problem of Climate Change under the International agreement made in Kyoto. Until fairly recently, both major political major parties had a Climate Change  policy that was similar.
The Opposition now has a policy that will pay the major polluters to clean up their act.
This will be more costly and will also be funded by the tax we pay.
The Carbon Tax will change to an emission trading scheme after a few years and will be self funding. Don’t be fooled, the recent rise in NSW electricity prices has nothing to do with the Carbon Tax.
The sale of the retail section of the State Electricity Distributors removed a significant revenue source. This shortfall has been made up by increasing the access charge to the network. This increase may or may not have been necessary, but don’t blame the rises on the Carbon Tax.

Alan Gordon
KIng Creek

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