Mistaken identity

Readers of the Letters to the Editor section may have thought I had a bout of temporary insanity in the August 16 edition of the Port Macquarie Independent where it appears that I endorsed the prophesies in Revelations in the beginning of my letter and then went on to trash them. The person who put the page together has unfortunately incorporated another letter into mine so it appears to be one letter in my name.
I can assure people that, as an atheist, I don’t believe ridiculous propositions such as stars falling to earth – locusts with gold crowns and scorpion tails – “a beast rising out of the sea, which was like a leopard, whose feet were like a bear’s, and whose mouth was like a lion’s” – could in any way be divinely inspired. The proposition that a ‘god’ thought it was possible that stars were small enough to fall to earth would tend to indicate that the person who wrote that rubbish was more likely being plagued by those inner voices that, thankfully, brought about the invention of Thorazine.

Adrian Wollaston
Via email

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