Game players

There are many committed and devoted Australians in this land of beauty that are extremely concerned about the way it is being sold to foreign powers for their particular use that has begun to appear each day and has already started to effect the environment that is in need of the attention by the people of Australia, the children of whom will be the ones to suffer, wealth being the issue, not patriotism or commitment to society as it is.
This matter has only been mentioned by Tony Abbott that must be answered by PM Gillard as this subject will be a big issue next election alongside the Carbon Tax that has already added to the Howard GST to increase the difficulty for working class families to survive.
In past years, the Labor Party was there to return fairness to working conditions that were installed by previous conservative governments as it has always been and nobody wants see those conditions returned. That will happen if P M Gillard persists with her style of leadership, that is in the hands of the Caucus.
One of the big issues is the Illegal entry into Australia by the thousands of boat people that is costing us billions that are getting 5 star motel treatment while over 100000 Australians are living on the streets, why ? Because she is bowing to the Greens and their strange  policies for their support .
This is an opportunity for the opposition party to win next election if they are serious and committed to doing so, not just playing political games. People are not uninformed any more.

Eric Di Losa
Via email

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