Issues of importance

I have no intention of standing in the Local Goverrnment elections this year, though I stood in the four previous elections, but I would like voters to consider some of the important issues:
Unfortunately Labor and Liberal NSW State Governments have been pro-prostitution and have decreed that councils must have a brothels policy that can be anything but “no brothels”. Prostitution is the lowest form of degradation of women. No woman ever chooses to be a prostitute. Unsuspecting girls are brought in from Asia or Eastern Europe by the people smugglers  with the promise of real jobs and then find themselves  forced to work as sex slaves in   brothels to pay off their debts. This is what councillors are allowing every time they give a go-ahead to an application for a brothel. Therefore councillors should find any excuse to reject every application for a brothel.
Poker Machines
The gaming industry, (using the term “industry” loosely)  are parasites and bloodsuckers feeding of someone else’s misery. Council has no control over how many poker machines clubs have in the LGA., however if  a club or pub applies for a DA for a building extension it stands to reason it will mean more poker machines and therefore  more opportunity for addicted gamblers to  be robbed of their money. The gaming industry are lying when they say they support responsible gambling, because they make money out of irresponsible gambling.  Whenever a council receives an Development Application for an extension to a club they should reject it unless there is a guarantee  it will not mean  any more gambling machines.
Climate Change
Human-induced climate change is a scam to get money out of people. The climate always changes. We had an ice age once and there’ll be another one. The science is settled – human-produced carbon dioxide is not making the world warmer. You’ve probably noticed in fact  that an unusually cold winter we’re  having. Any action by councils to effect zoning or planning or to increase rates due to rising water levels or incrreased flood or bushfire risk because of climate change must be opposed.
I hope voters in through out NSW interrogate prospective candidates as to where they stand on  these important issues.

Bob Vinnicombe

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