Desirable qualities

Some three months ago our community was invited to take part in a survey to identify which qualities and attributes are most desirable in our prospective councillors. Over 500 people submitted their ideas and from their answers the following list was distilled:
nhonest and has integrity
nfree from the control of special interest groups
nfinancially literate and fiscally responsible
nnot politically aligned, or if so transparent in alignment
nconsults with the community
nhas common sense
ngood communicator and listener, as well as;
nenvironmentally aware and responsible
ncommitted to sustainable development
ncapacity to devote time and expertise to the role
nstrategic and visionary thinker
ndemocratic and transparent decision maker
ncommitted to community service and priorities
ngood team member
nrepresents all
I suggest that when choosing who to vote for this Saturday, people should keep these qualities in mind, especially in voting for mayor.
We need a visionary new council that will include some of the genuine and outstanding independents who are ungrouped ‘below the line’ on the councillors ballot paper to create a really diverse and well balanced council.
The important thing for voters to note is that they can only choose from the ungrouped candidates by voting for at least four candidates below the line.

Penny Marshall
Bonny Hills

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