Mayor tours the Hastings

Port Macquarie-Hastings Council Mayor, Peter Besseling, last week completed a regional tour of the Hastings, meeting with Progress Associations and community groups for the first time in his new role as Mayor.
General Manager Tony Hayward accompanied Mayor Besseling on the tour, which incorporated parts of the North Shore, Telegraph Point, Rollands Plains, Beechwood, Pappinbarra and Comboyne.
Mayor Besseling said the tour was an opportunity to connect with our local communities that reside in outlying parts of the Local Government Area.
“Yesterday provided a fantastic opportunity to make initial contact with a number of community groups in my new role as Mayor and see first-hand the wonderful works and projects they are helping to achieve in their local communities.
“It is vital early on that the new Council make an effort to understand local issues, support local community groups and be most effective as democratically elected representatives,” Mayor Besseling said.
“It is also crucial that our community groups have the opportunity to discuss these issues directly with our General Manager and that these concerns are relayed through to both our Councillors and our senior council staff.”
Community groups involved in discussions included representatives from Telegraph Point Community Association, Rollands Plains Community Group, Rollands Plains Recreational Trust, Pappinbarra Progress Association and Comboyne Community Association.
“I look forward to continuing these open channels of communication and working with our rural communities to deliver great outcomes for our entire Local Government Area over the next four years,” Mayor Besseling said.

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