Learn Tai Chi from a master

Tai Chi began in China several hundred years ago, although the exact date is uncertain.

In ancient times, teachers taught students privately and teaching was kept secret. However, over the years the accuracy of the beginnings of Tai Chi has become clouded by many theories on how it may have begun.

It is known that Tai Chi became popular following the Chinese revolution of 1949 when the popular Yang style version of Tai Chi was devised as a daily routine for the populace of China.

It then quickly spread throughout the western world where it is now widely practised as a daily routine to maintain good health, flexibility and well being.

Tai Chi consists of a series of choreographed movements, or forms, which incorporate diaphragmatic breathing, stretching, coordination and balance.

Robert Newton became Chief Instructor of the largest Tai Chi organisation outside China and was ultimately recognised in China as a Master of Tai Chi.

He has spent the past fifteen years travelling the world teaching the art.

He will commence day classes here in Port Macquarie for beginners on February 18.

For class times and location, call 6583 3886.

Class size will be limited to just 20 students.

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