Ron Dixon plays his age 99 times

THE Wauchope Veteran Golfers celebrated a very rare occasion in golfing circles.
Vets and club golfer Ron Dixon, who is 91 years old and turning 92 in July, has shot his age 99 times. This is a feat the majority of golfers will never achieve – to do it once would be worthy of celebration.
Ron tells us he joined Wauchope Country Club and started playing golf when he was 60 years old – he had just retired and was able to play three times a week.
Starting on a handicap of 27, he worked hard to reduce his handicap to 9. He said he played most of his golf  in the 10, 11, 12 handicap range. He was playing off 14 handicap when he was 87 years old.
He suffered an accident after stepping into an open hatch when he was 87, injuring the tendons in his shoulders, and as a result his handicap started to drift out from there.
Ron is the 2012 B Grade Champion (gross) of the Wauchope Vets Golf Club.
Today he is playing off a handicap of 19 – not bad at 91! He has a very competitive streak, his short game is very good.
He is a gentleman on the course, a pleasure to play with, and is well-respected by all members of Wauchope Country Club and Wauchope Veteran Golfers.
Captain Neil Grant presented Ron with an inscribed photograph of Wauchope Country Club, with an inscription recognising Ron for his achievements.

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