Volunteers of iron

VOLUNTEER groups who assisted with this year’s Port Macquarie Ironman were last week recognised by the organising committee.
Almost 40 schools, sports clubs, church and community groups who volunteered at the event last month have received a share of $29,000 in funding support to acknowledge their efforts.
Distribution of funds back into the community is part of the event’s funding agreement between event managers USM, the committee and Port Macquarie-Hastings Council.
Mayor Peter Besseling said the opportunity for the committee, which itself was made up of volunteers, to support local community groups and organisations was one of the key motivators.
“The local organising committee co-ordinate more than 2000 volunteers each year to assist on the day, which is a model unique to Port Macquarie and something our community should be very proud of,” Cr Besseling siad.
“Ironman delivers a significant economic impact for our community but it is also really important in building positive community spirit.
“When you look at the list of surf clubs, church groups and schools who have received valuable funding in return for their efforts, it is easy to see the legacy Ironman leaves on our community, outside of race day.”
Volunteers have been acknowledged for their help in all facets of the event, including marshals on the bike and run legs, water safety in the swim leg, assisting with athlete registration, gear transport and collection pre and post-race, as well as in transition areas on race day.
Community groups who received donations to acknowledge their volunteer efforts include the four local surf clubs, Lake Cathie Bush Fire Brigade and Lake Cathie Bowls Club, 10 local primary and high schools, Grace Church Port Macquarie, Rotary Club of Port Macquarie Sunrise and Flamin’ Dragon Boats group.
“The support, encouragement and logistical assistance offered by our volunteer army is consistently praised by Ironman athletes from around Australia and key to the success of our premier sporting spectacle,” Cr Besseling said.

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