A REVIEW of the ferry services across the Hastings River is providing the community with an opportunity to share their experiences and expectations of the service.
The review will consider operations of both the Settlement Point and Hibbard ferries and is part of Port Macquarie-Hastings Council’s ongoing management of them.
Seeking input from the community regarding the ferry service was an important part of ensuring that council was delivering the most efficient and cost effective service possible, said Craig Swift-McNair, council’s director of commercial services.
“Efficient and effective operation of the ferry service is vitally important for those people who live on the North Shore and for people to access the northern beaches and Hastings River,” Mr Swift-McNair said.
“Like many other commercial services, council contracts out the operation of the ferries and it is sound business practice to review that operation and consider the opinions of the users.”
North Shore residents and other ferry users are being encouraged to complete a survey about their preferences for operations and communication associated with the ferry.
“A letterbox drop has been provided to all North Shore residents informing them of this opportunity to share their experiences, along with an advertising and email campaign,” Mr Swift-McNair said.
“The feedback gained from this engagement will be considered when developing the new contract documents that will guide the operation of the ferry service in the future.”
To have a say, go to www.pmhclistening.com.au or contact council’s on 6581 8111.