Socks help raise hope

The Hope Shop’s Paul Skilleter with Kurt Russell and Troy Terp of Lifeline.

THE community is pulling its socks up when it comes to aiding those in need.
Last week Lifeline’s business manager, Kurt Russell, and shop manager, Troy Terp, presented more than 500 pairs of socks to Paul Skilleter of the Hope Shop.
The socks will be given away by the Hope Shop at their stand at Community Connect Day, which will be held in Wauchope on Wednesday, 30 October.
Lifeline Mid Coast recently ran a sock drive in which shoppers in Port Macquarie and Wauchope could buy a pair of brand-new socks to donate to Community Connect Day.
“A big thank-you must go to Brett Gould and Perfect Sports Pty Ltd for their support during the promotion and all our retail shops that were involved in the ’Sox, Jox and Undies’ drive,” Mr Russell said.
Shop manager Troy Terp said that he would also like to thank the “many wonderful customers who supported the promotion in store.”
“These socks will be distributed to people in our local community who are going through tough times and who are less fortunate than ourselves,” he said.
The Hope Shop presented Lifeline with a certificate of appreciation as a thankyou.
Community Connect Day is an interactive and informative day for homeless people and those in need. On the day, free haircuts, food and clothing, health services, entertainment, options and services will be available for those in need.
Up to 105,000 people are homeless around Australia every night.
For information on the day, please contact Paul Skillet of the Hope Shop on 6581 3303.

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