Planning for Port

107587_01 Nature Conservation Council CEO Pepe Clark and staff member Cerin Loane inspect a canal development.


PORT Macquarie residents have been asked to think seriously about what kind of area they would like to live in and take action to make sure it comes to pass.
The call to arms came as part of a visit by the CEO of the Nature Conservation Council, Pepe Clarke.
Launching an NCC report opposing proposed new NSW government planning laws, Mr Clarke expressed surprise and concern at the extent of existing canal development in the area and urged residents not to adopt an ’I’m all right Jack’ attitude.
“I don’t have a lot of details as to what was here before,” he said, standing in front of a canal development at Settlement Point.
“But it is clear that this area is an important estuary habitat because you can see around us different kinds of coastal forests and mangroves.
“Historically, this would have been a very rich natural environment, so to see large-scale canal development like this is very troubling.
“New developments require careful planning. We have lost so much of our important coastal habitat already that we need well-planned development that protects the environment.
“I fear for what will happen if some of the controls and safeguards we have now are taken away by this legislation.”
He said the NCC report he was touring the NSW coast to publicise, ‘Nature in the Balance,’ exposed serious flaws in the draft Planning Bill 2013, which was due to be debated in parliament next month.
“We have called on the government to go back to the drawing board and develop a planning system that delivers for everyone, not just developers,” Mr Clarke said.
He urged residents to get in contact with the Member for Port Macquarie, Leslie Williams, and voice their concern.
Messages of support opposing the legislation could also be posted on the NCC’s website,
“These planning laws are unfair and unbalanced,” he said.
“They favour developers over local communities and the environment, and we believe they pose a real threat to the environment of places like Port Macquarie.
“People really need to think about what sort of Port Macquarie they want and take action to protect it.”
Shortly after Mr Clarke’s visit, delegates at the statewide annual conference for local government adopted a resolution opposing the proposed new planning laws.

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