State’s top Nan

Leslie Williams, left, is pictured with Merilyn O’Neill and grand-daughter Bonnie.

LOCAL grandparent Merilyn O’Neill has won the New South Wales 2013 Community Grandparent of the Year Award.
Merilyn was honoured in a ceremony in Sydney for the contribution she has made to her own grandchildren and also for her very significant contribution to the wider community.
Ageing and Disability Services Minister John Ajaka said grandparents who provided support to individual grandchildren were making an incredible contribution – one that benefitted the entire community – so it was an honour to be able to recognise the inspiring efforts made by these grandparents.
Congratulating Mrs O’Neill, Port Macquarie MP Leslie Williams said Grandparents Day was an opportunity to show our appreciation for the important part grandparents play in our lives.
“Undoubtedly Merilyn has done just that for her grandchildren and much more,” Mrs Williams said.
“Merilyn is a vital and articulate member of the grandparent carer community on the Mid North Coast and has been a very strong advocate for them on a wide range of issues.
“She is a key contributor to the Grandparent and Kin Carer Alliance which is convened by Council on the Ageing NSW and she is a valued contributor to discussions on policies that have a bearing on grandparent carers.
“Merilyn is grandparent carer of four children who came into her care after experiencing extremely challenging early years and therefore needed significant support.
“In nominating Merilyn, one of her grand-daughters said: ‘I am so proud of my nan because she not only helps me when I’m in need, but she helps so many families too. To me, she is the best nan ever’.”
Grandparents Day was launched in 2011 by the NSW Government to recognise the unique role that grandparents play in our community.

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