RESIDENTS of Port Macquarie will join thousands of Australians in towns and cities around the country on Sunday 17 November as part of a national day for climate action.
The local event has been organised by the community group Climate Change Australia (Hastings), which wants to make sure the Hastings is on the map when it came to standing up for stronger action on climate change.
“We will write a Christmas card to Lyne MP David Gillespie as part of CCA’s Safe Climate – Sensible Policies campaign in support of retaining a price on carbon, the CEFC, and other parts of the Clean Energy Future legislation up for repeal by the Abbott government,” local organiser Drusi Megget said.
“We’re expecting plenty of locals to come along because there are lots of people in Port Macquarie who want real action on climate.”
Suggested dress is scorching red and orange gear, with sun hats, zinc sunscreen and board shorts.
At the same time as Port Macquarie residents are gathering at Town Green at 11am, many others will be doing the same all over the country at events ranging from major rallies in state capitals to small community events like the one taking place here.
GetUp national director Sam Mclean said with gatherings in more places than ever before the day would let the new government know the populace would not stand for going backwards on climate action.
“Australians across the nation are turning up the heat, calling on the government to aim higher on climate,” he said.