CHRISTMAS on the Beach needs your help – particularly if you are a strapping young man or woman.
Many people have donated to the cost of staging the free lunch on Christmas day or volunteered to help out, but the organisers desperately need some younger, fit people to help with the heavier work, such as picking up and erecting large marquees.
“We’ve had lots of people volunteer, but mostly in the older age category, so we need some younger folk,” organiser Max Davies said.
“While having a car is a help, we can also organise transport if needed. One fellow, for instance, has a car and trailer but he cannot lift all the heavy stuff by himself.”
He said 350 people attended last year’s lunch, and they planned to cater for 400 this year. The menu includes the traditional Christmas fare of turkey and ham and a host of Christmas goodies.
While Mr Davies and his wife Karen are connected with the Port City Church, Mr Davies stressed that this was in no way a religious event, just a community event designed to ensure that no one in Port Macquarie had to be alone or go hungry on Christmas day.
“Anyone and everyone is welcome. The only stipulation is that because it is a family event, no alcohol is allowed,” he said.
The event kicks off from 10am at the northern end of Town Beach in Port Macquarie near the skate park.
Bookings are not required – just front up with a smile and ready to have some festive fun.
Those who have already donated funds towards the cost of staging the 2013 event include Port Macquarie-Hastings Council. A full list of thankyous will be circulated after the event.
To volunteer your help or make a donation, please ring Karen on 0449 752 566.