Hearts open to mum’s plea

Finn - smiling despite the curved ball life has thrown him.

THE mother of a severely disabled boy who pleaded for the community’s help on the front page of last week’s Independent said she has been totally overwhelmed by the response.
“People talk about Aussie spirit and helping mates. But we never expected such a warm, generous and supportive response from people who don’t even know us,” Tracey Reynolds said.
“The community’s response has given my heart such a boost and reinforced to me that there are wonderful people out there. And I can’t thank them enough for their generosity and support.”
Obviously touched by the generosity, Tracey said dozens of different donations totally almost $4000 were deposited in her son’s account within a few days of the story’s appearing.
Headed ‘A mum’s plea’, the article told of the huge financial battle the mother of four faced because of the costs associated with raising five-year-old Finn, who suffers from severe cerebral palsy and spastic quadriplegia and is wheelchair bound and incontinent. He also has to be fed through a PEG tube in his stomach.
The mother of four had to give up her job as a police officer to care for Finn and she and her husband lost their home, their investment property and their car because of the mounting bills. Their marriage also foundered. She and her now ex-husband’s major battle at the moment is to try and access their superannuation on compassionate grounds so they can fit-out a vehicle for Finn, which will cost over $40,000.
“What an overwhelming and positive week this has been,” Tracey said.
“We feel like part of this community, and hope to give back even a little of the love, care and time that people have given us this week.”
Tracey said she made a mistake in the account details for donations she gave the Independent and the upside of this was that many people contacted her via the email address printed in the newspaper to get the correct details and offer their support.
“There have been emails of support with links to organisations we can try, and beautiful offers from families like ours with special kids who have outgrown their equipment,” she said.
“One donation of $500 was from a local dentist who wishes to make it a regular thing to cover the car loan payment
“A local gym has put the details on their Facebook page and is doing a raffle with a free yearly membership. A Nutrimetics consultant and a hamper company have offered products for a raffle and two beautiful ladies have offered help, whether it be a coffee, a friendly word or to pick up groceries.
“What can I say – I am completely overwhelmed and emotional.
“We even had our first dinner out at a local Thai restaurant which we could never have afforded, but I used some of my money to treat the children, knowing we had the donations there towards outfitting the vehicle. As you can see from the photo, Finn loved it.
“I cannot say thank you enough. This support has given me the strength to keep going and look forward to the future. I am so grateful to you and the newspaper for getting our story out there.”
The correct account details for anyone who would still like to donate are: Commonwealth Bank, account ‘Finn Elijah White’, BSB 062 592, ACT 1076 9670
Tracey can also be contacted at tracey_reynolds79@hotmail.com

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