Bridge start inches closer

A DETAILED design for the new Stingray Creek bridge on Ocean Drive near Laurieton is nearing completion but will require additional investigations, Port Macquarie-Hastings Council’s infrastructure and asset management director Jeffery Sharp has advised.
The council resolved in June last year to replace the bridge after receiving confirmation from the NSW State Government that it would make an additional $2 million in funding available for the project. State Government funding now totals $8 million and represents 50 per cent of the estimated $16 million in constructions costs for the new bridge.
The detailed design is being finalised by bridge design specialists OPUS International Pty Ltd Consultants.
Mr Sharp confirmed that a project steering group had been established to oversee design and delivery of the new 190-metre-long bridge, recognised as a key piece of local infrastructure.
The steering group draws on the professional expertise of senior staff from both the NSW Public Works and Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) working in co-operation with council’s professional infrastructure delivery staff and the chairman of the council’s major projects portfolio, Cr Justin Levido.
The steering group has met twice this year. At its most recent meeting earlier this month, the group noted that the design was nearing completion but agreed there were several areas requiring additional investigation.
Mr Sharp said these investigations would be finalised prior to completion of the bridge design to help limit construction risk and to ensure best value for money.
The additional investigations include further geotechnical assessment on the proposed western bridge abutment to limit the risk associated with the very soft ground conditions and piling depths.
Further investigations are also underway with both Telstra and Essential Energy in order to ensure that communications and power distribution services are appropriately accommodated in the new bridge.
Mr Sharp said the steering group had also noted that a Native Title land claim associated with the land upon which the proposed western bridge abutment will be constructed is pending NSW State Government ministerial determination.
In the meantime, he said, the council would continue working with the consultant bridge designers to bring the additional investigations to completion.
“The steering group has resolved to only call for construction tenders once the detailed designs – including the additional investigations – have been fully completed,” Mr Sharp said.
“At this stage council will also be in a position to provide a more accurate cost estimate for the entire project.”
Subject to the successful completion of the additional investigations, construction of the new bridge could be underway before the end of the year.
The bridge services as a primary link between North Haven and Laurieton and carries about 9000 vehicles every day.

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