Into swing of UNE’s 75th

IF you’ve heard of the Lindy Hop, Charleston, Shag or Balboa, then you probably know about swing dancing.
These dances evolved through the 1920s-1950s and were often fusions of many dances including jazz, tap and breakaway.
The Glenn Miller Tribute and Andrews Sisters Tribute Bands will be showcasing swing music at UNE’s 75th Anniversary Dinner Dance on 26 October.
To get you “in the mood”, you can try out swing dance moves at classes to be held on 9 and 16 October at Sport UNE from 7.30-8.30 pm.
Melissa Killen will demonstrate some basic steps and get you up on the dance floor to try the rhythms.
Melissa is an experienced and passionate dance teacher, having started jazz and ballet classes at five years old. She has readied HSC dance students for this year’s exams and has just started planning choreography for a 2014 production of West Side Story. The large cast includes students from O’Connor Catholic College, PLC, TAS and NEGS.
If you have already purchased your dinner dance tickets and you attend one of the dance classes, we have a special giveaway to one lucky person – a shampoo and 40s hairstyling, provided by Sleek Hair, UNE Campus.
Melissa and her husband, Anthony, will be taking part in Dancing with the Stars, a Cancer Council fund-raising event in December this year in Armidale.
Donations to their fund-raising effort can be made in lieu of class fees. To book in for the swing classes in October, please phone 6773 2870 or email:

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