Produce bonanza in park

THE Walcha Farmers’ Market on Saturday 21 September at McHattan Park will be the first of many to come, with the markets being held every third Saturday of the month from 8.30am-12.30pm.

“We are delighted to announce Rowan Tihema, head chef of NERAM Harvest in Armidale, will be officially opening the markets, followed by a Spanish Paella cooking demonstration. Samples will be available to purchase,” market co-president Olivia Nivison said.
The monthly markets will include fresh fruit and vegetables, herbs, condiments and spices, honey, a variety of breads and pastries, gourmet prepared food, organic meat, eggs and poultry, freshly served coffee, and so on, in addition to breakfast and lunch stalls.
“We have so much fantastic produce and by-products in the area that will ensure a diversity of products at the markets,” Ms Nivison said.
“The markets will provide a catalyst to showcase this produce and provide an exciting monthly event for the Walcha community, and those within the region and beyond, to buy and sell quality fresh local produce.”
All stallholders must comply with the market guidelines, stipulating items must be produced by the stallholder, or be the core ingredient of the by-products. Locally home-made produce is also able to be sold at the markets.
Where possible the stalls have been sourced locally, however, warmer climate produce, for example, needs to be sourced further afield such as Tamworth. By providing local produce direct from the farmer, the markets are allowing an affordable price, a fresher product by eliminating food miles, and providing a face and a sense of place for the consumer.
The markets will also host live talented buskers and children’s entertainment, along with educational workshops and demonstrations involving gardening and cooking.
A community stall will form part of the markets, which will be a combined stall for small producers and backyard growers interested in selling smaller quantities of their produce, by-products or home-made items. These producers won’t need their own insurance and can drop off their produce at the start of the market.
The Market Committee is currently inviting expressions of interest for those wishing to sell their items on the Community Stall, and they are also seeking more fruit, vegetable and herb stalls.
Agriculture is Walcha’s core commodity and as such it is the Committee’s mission to support local producers and enhance sustainability, whilst providing a regular event that will benefit the community as well as local businesses.
The markets will attract people from far and wide creating many economic spin-offs to the community. People travelling from further afield for the markets are likely to spend more time in Walcha, support local businesses and explore the nearby attractions.
For more information or application forms please contact the committee on, phone 6777 2448 or via the website on

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