Make every cup count

Residents are being urged to get together and have a cuppa for a good cause as the nation prepares to celebrate Cancer Council’s iconic Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea event this May.
Kirsten Howton, one of Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea ambassadors for the region, said hosting a morning tea event for your family, friends or colleagues is fun and simple. You can put together a street party for your neighbours or spoil your family and friends with a sophisticated high tea.
“Why not celebrate Cancer Council’s Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea with an international flavour to showcase tea and healthy treats from around the world?” Kirsten said.
Whatever you decide to do, make every cup count.
“It’s a great excuse to drop everything, turn off your phones and escape the emails to catch up and spend time with loved ones, while raising important awareness and funds in the fight against cancer,” she said.
Every 12 minutes someone in Australia will die from cancer. Every cup counts, so Cancer Council is encouraging Australians of all ages from all communities and backgrounds to put the kettle on to put cancer out.
Ruth Gollan, Community Relations Coordinator from the Mid-North Coast office said, “A small cup of tea can make a big difference in the lives of those touched by cancer.
“Cancer does not discriminate. It’s a disease that stretches to all cultures and communities. Cancer Council is for all people and all cancers.
“We are absolutely committed to supporting different communities and cultures to defeat cancer through prevention, research, support, advocacy and information services,” Ruth stated.
The official day is on Thursday, May 24, but hosts can put on an event any time during May or June. Registrations are now open and signing up is easy, simply visit or call 1300 65 65 85.

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