Exciting road ahead for highway opening

The local community is being invited to an evening of special celebration on Friday, December 9 as building nears completion on the Oxley Highway upgrade.
The celebration will take place in the Lindfield Park Road area from 4pm and is being funded and hosted by Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) with the support of Port Macquarie Hastings Council.
The official proceedings will commence at 5pm with the Badu Indigenous Dancers with RMS Regional manager David Bell and local politicians to speak. Rock n roll dancers, food and beverage market stalls, displays including visitors from the Koala Hospital, a fun kid’s zone, vintage car display and cycling criterium will top off the evening.
A highlight of the event will be a parade starting at 6.15pm from Lindfield Park Road to Philip Charley Drive. School groups, community organisations and local businesses are invited to participate in the parade.
“The celebration will include an opportunity for the local community to have a look at the upgrade before it is officially opened to traffic,” General Manager, Mr Tony Hayward said.
Mr Hayward said the NSW State funded $158 million project is a six kilometre upgrade of the Oxley Highway between Wrights Road and the Pacific Highway west of Port Macquarie.
“Once opened, the project will deliver major benefits to the community through reduced travel times and a reduction in crashes,” Mr Hayward said.
Buses will be running on the day to transport residents to and from the event. Pick-up and drop-off points will be Settlement City (Panthers) and Coles at Lake Innes. Bookings are essential and can be made by phoning
6583 8774.
To participate in the parade, groups should contact event coordinator Pix Jonassan on 0418 211 738 or by email to pix@SuccessDynamicsGroup.com
For enquiries on the community celebration please contact the Roads and Maritime Services event coordinator, Sonia George on
(02) 6640 1300.

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