Seats hot at mining forum

Community groups and residents across the greater Manning and Camden Haven regions are being called upon to get their questions and submissions in now to the upcoming Coal Seam Gas Forum.  Members of local groups may register now and submit their questions at
The forum, hosted by the Three Brothers Network and local progress association and hall trust, will explore, explain and debate issues surrounding Coal Seam Gas exploration and mining in our area. The moderator will invite panellists to answer your questions during the event, and facilitators will take your questions from the floor if you choose to attend.
The goal of the forum, organisers said, is to increase awareness and to debate the key issues on Coal Seam Gas.
The event is open to the public, and preferred seating will be given to local community and primary producer organisations, including NSW Farmer’s Association members, community associations, P&Cs, and clubs.
The moderator, David Shepard, said “It is important at this point that we get a feel for what the community is wanting to know.
“I’d encourage everyone with even a passing interest in the CSG issue to submit their question now, so we can prepare panellists for meaningful responses.
“We ask that each community group present submit at least one question to the panel. If this forum is truly going to work, we have to know what’s on the minds of residents and businesses alike.”
The forum kicks off at 1:30pm at the Johns River Hall in Johns River, just 15 minutes south of Laurieton and a half hour north of Taree.  It is open to the public, and groups with preferred seating are asked to arrive by 1pm for seating at 1:15pm.  Call 6556 5292 for more information.

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