Students celebrate the Birpai nation

To kick-start NAIDOC Week celebrations recently, 26 primary students from Beechwood and Wauchope Public Schools came to Wauchope High for an indigenous art class.
The class was the first session of an eight-week project involving numerous participants from the Aboriginal community.
The class, led by local Maria Ritchie, showed students how to use the skills of Aboriginal art, which will form borders for  pages.
The final outcome of this project will be a book, written collaboratively by the students,  about the Birpai Dreaming and the experiences of the Aboriginal people of the Wauchope area.
To further celebrate NAIDOC week, there were a number of other activities at Wauchope, including Story Telling by local Esther Quilin and an Indigenous Parent Morning Tea, which included some scrumptious wattle seed muffins and Lemon Myrtle cheesecake.

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