Extension essential for foreshore plan

The Port Macquarie-Hastings Foreshore Protection Association has presented a number of questions to local Member, Leslie Williams, regarding the Draft Plan of Management for Hasting Regional Crown Reserve – Precinct A (DPoM), which covers the Port Macquarie Foreshore from Settlement Point to Town Beach.

The Association has a number of concerns regarding the presentation of the document, some of the proposed changes suggested within and the submission process itself.

The Association is also seeking an extension to the exhibition period as they believe the present document is not an easy document to read, it has many words/lines/paragraphs crossed out or added, in different colours, typefaces and fonts – sometimes the type size or font changes mid-word.

There are discrepancies, contradictions and bad grammar, the association suggested.

“This is a very important document and, in its current state, is extremely difficult to follow; the Index of contents and page numberings are confusing and unclear.

“After a thorough study of the document, the Association is also concerned that, in most parts, it is identical to the previous (2010) Plan of Management. It seems as if the previous period of exhibition and the over 160 submissions presented have been ignored completely.

“The letter to Mrs Williams reads, in part: On page 2/3 it is stated ‘The management framework of this DPoM builds on and responds to:

9) Exhibition of the Draft Plan of Management during the period from 17th March 2010 to 13th April 2010, including analysis of community feedback received in response.’

“We can’t see any evidence to support this statement.

“The key outcome for the various focal areas in section 5.3 has identical wording to the 2010 Draft except where the Westport Park references have been removed.

“It is identical with regard to the possible extension of marina berths and the Koolunbung Creek harbour.

“We can only assume that Crown Lands and FLAG have considered that all the previous comments/objections to these points are of no consequence.”

The Association has asked Mrs Williams for a prompt reply to its questions and request for an extension as the current exhibition period which ends on March 22.

“The Community and the Association have previously made clear their opposition to the proposed Marina berth extensions in front of Westport Park and transfer of the commercial wharf/cruise boats to the western side of Koolunbung Creek.”

The Association urges all who value our unique foreshore and the lifestyle it allows, to take an interest in this issue and make your thoughts known to Crown Lands, your Local Member, Mayor and Councillors. Please consult the Association’s website: www.foreshoreprotection.org.au for further information.

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