Region’s schools up for

Public schools in the Port Macquarie electorate can now apply for the third round of funding for building upgrades and maintenance under the NSW Government’s $40 million Public School Upgrade Program.

The first round projects have been completed and the second round projects are currently underway. Applications are now open for round three.

Schools can apply for project funding up to a maximum of $200,000, which can be for full or part funding of a larger project or several smaller projects.

Examples of works being funded include upgrades of kitchen and food technology facilities and science laboratories, renovation of toilets, sports courts and pavement resurfacing, roof, gutter, stormwater and drainage upgrades, recarpeting, painting; and the upgrade of access facilities such as ramps, railings and stairs.

Last year almost $148,000 was allocated to Westport High School and Port Macquarie Public School for painting, upgrading roofs and gutters and improving stormwater drainage.

NSW Minister for Education Adrian Piccoli and local Nationals MP Leslie Williams said principals and school communities can identify facilities in need of upgrade; and schools can also choose to self-manage these projects.

So far, 143 projects have been funded in round one and 164 projects funded in round two.

“The Liberal & Nationals Government is determined to provide the best learning environments possible in our schools, and the funding provided under this program is an important step in delivering on that commitment,” Mrs Williams said.

Applications close at midnight on Friday, April 12.

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