Our grand slam

107031_01 Picture: CAROLINE STRAINIG Riley Hughes, 10, and Callan Hughes, 13, from the Kendall Tennis Club with the Australian men’s and women’s trophies.

HUNDREDS of tennis players slammed, laughed and oohed and aahed their way through a fun event at the Town Green Inn in Port Macquarie last week.
The occasion was a visit by AO Blitz, a tennis promotional program which offers both experienced players and those who have never picked up a racquet the chance to win major prizes and have an Australian Open 2014 player represent their local town.
About 250 children and adults participated, including more than 50 from the Kendall Tennis Club. Activities included a fastest-serve competition, mini tennis designed for children and a chance to handle the Australian Open trophies.
Between now and January the AO Blitz will travel to every state and territory, with an online component also kicking off early this month.

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