Tall poppies shine

Business coach Kellie Mills addresses a previous seminar.

SIX high-profile female business leaders will share their secrets for success with local women in business at the Growing Tall Poppies Conference 2013 at the Glasshouse on Saturday, 19 October.
The full-day conference, hosted by the Hastings Business Women’s Network, aims to educate, engage and empower female business owners and women who work across the Hastings and beyond.
Attendees will hear from keynote speakers including founder of Oz Harvest, Ronni Kahn; CEO of the Australian Institute of Management QLD and NT, Vivienne Anthon; and founder of HBWN and business coach Kellie Mills.
The conference will also include workshops on communication styles and how to have it all, plus a wrap-up session to help attendees turn the top tips of the day into practical action plans.
An exhibition will feature a broad range of products and services from more than 20 local businesses and a cocktail party at the close of the conference will provide an opportunity for networking in a fun and relaxed environment.
HBWN president Kelly Lamb said the committee was pleased to invite all interested working women, not just HBWN members, to come along to the conference.
“By attending this conference you will get the chance to further your professional development, connect with like-minded business women, increase your circle of influence and learn leadership skills to take your career to the next level,” Ms Lamb said.
“This conference aims to help sow the seeds of success and support women to become tall poppies by holding their heads high and standing out from the crowd.
“The Growing Tall Poppies Conference is about inspiring women to keep achieving amazing things and contributing to our local economy and community.”
HBWN Events Co-ordinator Karen Archer said attendees will have the opportunity to learn about a range of topics that will help them as they strive for success in business.
“Ronni Kahn from food rescue organisation OzHarvest will speak about inspirational leadership in the community and share her journey creating an organisation with sound business ethics and a positive impact on society,” Ms Archer said.
“Vivienne Anthon from the Australian Institute of Management will provide her top 12 networking tips and Kellie Mills will explore the myth of the superwoman,” she said.
Registrations are open and seats are limited so get in fast. Visit www.hbwn.com.au and follow the links to the Growing Tall Poppies Conference to secure a place.

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