The koalas are coming

Computer-generated graphic of a koala.

LIKE koalas? Love art? Feeling creative?
Hello Koalas is a new cultural signature event, designed and managed by Arts and Health Australia (AHA), for the Port Macquarie Hastings region. Hello Koalas Public Sculpture Project is centred on the design and artistic decoration of 50 large fibreglass sculptures of koalas approximately one metre high, positioned in various regional locations from September 2014 to December 2015.
Port Macquarie Hastings Council is the project’s principle sponsor.
Artists, designers, photographers and community groups are invited to submit a design idea for one of the 50 large fibreglass koala sculptures that will dot the Port Macquarie Hastings landscape from the mountains to the sea to create an official Hello Koalas Public Sculpture Trail.
Submissions will be accepted by AHA until October 31.
The koala image links with the region’s high profile connection to koala habitation and conservation, including the Koala Hospital in Port Macquarie and the NSW Koala Conservation Society.
“With our koala sculpture completed to maquette stage, and our Community Champions sponsorship drive well underway, we are now ready to move to the next stage and call for artists to submit a sculpture design,” project manager Linda Hall said.
“We are seeking designs, which reflect the region’s natural attractions and the community’s cultural diversity.
“Approximately 50 artists will be chosen to participate in the Hello Koalas Sculpture project. Artists of selected designs will receive an honorarium of $1000 to paint or apply their design to one of the fibreglass koala sculptures in Greater Port Macquarie during the period February to May 2014.”
The Hello Koalas design guidelines prohibit concepts which are overtly commercial but do allow for designs which are synergistic with the ethos and brand values of a sponsoring organisation or designs which relate to community organisations or community issues.
Sculptures will be either sponsored by the community organisation itself or sponsored by a third party sponsor. Selected artists may also be partnered to work collaboratively with sponsors of sculptures.
Arts Mid North Coast is a supporting Partner of the Hello Koalas Project.
Outgoing executive officer Rod Howard said the project would engage a wide range of local and regional artists, providing the opportunity to promote awareness and visibility of the high level of cultural activity in the region.
Arts Mid North Coast is the peak body for regional arts and cultural development across seven local government areas from Great Lakes to Coffs Harbour.
“Our organisation has had a long and positive association with Arts and Health Australia and highly values their contribution to our region’s communities,” Mr Howard said.
“Arts Mid North Coast will also be providing significant support to the Hello Koalas project and promoting it through our partnerships with other agencies.”
Other Hello Koalas project partners include Port Macquarie Koala Hospital, Accessible Arts NSW, Greater Port Macquarie Tourism Association, Port Macquarie Chamber of Commerce, NSW Business Chamber, Port Macquarie News, Focus Magazine and ABC Mid North Coast radio.
For further information about submitting a design go to
For general inquiries, telephone Hello Koalas project manager Linda Hall on 0428 975 650 or email

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