MORE essential repairs and upgrades will be able to get underway at the Timbertown Heritage Theme Park in Wauchope, courtesy of a NSW Government grant.
The NSW Deputy Premier and Oxley MP Andrew Stoner met with members of the Hastings Woodworkers Guild to officially announce its successful application for funding as part of the community building partnership program.
“I’m very pleased to announce the guild has received $9893 as part of the grants scheme,” Mr Stoner said.
“The funding will be used for the installation of an insulated ceiling and upgrade of roof work at the group’s base located on the grounds of Timbertown Heritage Theme Park.
“The Hastings Woodworkers Guild is a non-profit organisation with 50-odd active members, and it’s hoped these improvements will help grow the membership base.”
Mr Stoner said there was strong competition for the available funds and a high level of interest from the community for projects in the Oxley electorate.
“It is truly a privilege to assist the guild, and I look forward to working with other local organisations in assisting worthwhile projects come to fruition for the betterment of our local community,” he said.