Schools sign up for play

Students enjoying playing with a virtual orchestra.

STAFF at the Glasshouse theatre in Port Macquarie unveiled the 2014 education program to local primary and secondary teachers last week – and have already taken an amazing 2499 student bookings for workshops and theatre performances.
Public programs and audience development officer Skye Frost said the program builds on the theatre and gallery programs to provide unique educational experiences.
“With access to the Sydney Dance Company, Bell Shakespeare and Opera Australia’s Oz Opera to name but a few, students of the Port Macquarie-Hastings region will have unique opportunities learn from some of Australia’s most internationally recognised and celebrated companies,” Skye said.
“Three beloved children’s novels, ‘Tashi’, ‘The 13-Storey Treehouse’ and ‘Pete The Sheep’ will burst into life on the stage. Education theatre performances are very popular and the teachers at last night’s launch secured many of the available seats.”
Some new experiences are also available.
“In 2014 we are incredibly excited to bring a cutting-edge audio-visual installation, ACO Virtual,” Skye said.
“Gallery visitors will be surrounded by 13 projections of the Australian Chamber Orchestra musicians while they play. It’s like standing in the middle by the orchestra. Using touch screens, students will be able to turn off players, follow along to the projected musical score and even play with the orchestra. It’s going to be a truly unique and captivating experience.
“Another exciting musical experience for our students will be a school performance and information session with the internationally acclaimed Japanese drumming troupe TaikOz.
“For so many students, their visit to the Glasshouse is the first time they have ever set foot in a theatre or walked through a gallery. Our program seeks to open up new ways to experience and understand the world.
“Education can be inspiring, engaging and entertaining – and those are the experiences we work hard to provide at the Glasshouse.
“It’s immensely rewarding to see the immediate uptake of our 2014 program.”
In the past four years more than 25,000 students have attended workshops, performances and talks. Four teacher development workshops have also been staged.
For more information visit

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