Club does bob proud

President Geoff Shelton, left, being presented with the Bob Chapman Memorial Trophy by Jean and Vince Chapman.

THE Port Macquarie Blue Water Fishing Club’s Bob Chapman Memorial day was held and hotly contested on Sunday 6 October.
“Seven boats ventured seaward with 17 fisherpersons on board,” a spokesperson said.
“Bob was certainly looking out for us with excellent conditions with seas improving as the day went on, light winds and very little current.”
The winner of the prestigious trophy for the biggest flathead on the day was president Geoff Shelton with an ocean sand flathead weighing 1.08 kg.
The day is run every year in memory of Bob Chapman, a long-time member of the club. Bob was an avid flathead fisherman so the trophy goes to the fisherperson who catches the biggest flathead during the outing. His widow Jean and son Vince were on hand the present the trophy.
The club’s barbecue and weigh-in commenced at noon and was very well supported by members, families and friends. Other fish that greeted the weigh-master included snapper, morwong, mack tuna and plenty of other flathead.
The best boat on the day was Gunna skippered by Jim Fischer with 27.3 points and the runner-up was Quicksilver skippered by John Robertson with 12 points.
The biggest fish was won by Michelle Evans with a magnificent snapper weighing 9kg. The snapper trophy was also won by Michelle with the same fish. The flathead trophy was won by Geoff Shelton and Michelle Evans took out a hat-trick by winning the best tragalin award with a fish weighting 3.64 kg.
The club’s next outing will be held on Sunday 27 October. For further information please contact president Geoff Shelton on 0421 324 773.

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