Bushy’s art has fans in a spin

Back row, from left: Bessie Jennings, Barbara Barrett, Rod Worthing, Dagmar Brenne and Rob Cummings. Front: Bill Frew, Bill Yates, Tom McIlveen and Brian Tolagson.

PORT Macquarie poets and balladeers provided a feast of entertainment to an appreciative crowd at the Glasshouse in Port Macquarie on Friday.
The John Ross room was almost full for their presentation of the Australiana Variety Show.
Led by multi-award winning local poet Tom McIlveen, they had the audience laughing, crying, applauding and cheering, as they provided a vast variety of good old pure Australian entertainment ranging from recitals of traditional poems to contemporary ballads and folk songs accompanied by guitar, harmonica and even a didgeridoo.
There was also a skit performance and re-enactment of the First Fleet arrival.
The group is planning to do some regular shows at various venues, including a Sunday afternoon at the Panthers Club.
Tom McIlveen said performance shows including poetry, ballads, folk music, comedy skits and yarn-spinning were proving very popular around Australia.
“This was evident at the recent Tamworth Country music festival, where crowds were flocking to see variety shows, with full houses experienced at many of the venues this year,” he said.
Mr McIlveen extends an invitation for anyone interested to attend one of the Bush Poets’ regular fortnightly meetings, which are held at 1pm on the second and fourth Sunday of each month in the Senior Citizens Hall in Munster Street.
“You can share a poem, a song or even a yarn, in front of an appreciative audience, or simply just come along to watch, enjoy and share afternoon tea with us,” Mr McIlveen said.
Contact Mr McIlveen on 0417 251 287.

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