Justice on the menu

RETIRED magistrate Wayne Evans will air his views about the NSW justice system at a community breakfast in Port Macquarie.
Mr Evans recently retired after a career which included 22 years in the NSW Police Force, many of them as a police prosecutor, and 25 years as a magistrate.
He was instrumental in the formation of the Aboriginal Circle Sentencing Program, the Mental Health Liaison Service, the Traffic Offenders Program and several programs to educate and support young people.
The breakfast is the first of a series of community breakfasts for 2014 focussing on justice and will be held Saturday 15 March at the Port Macquarie Uniting Church, starting at 7.30am.
Breakfast costs $8 a head. Seating is limited, so phone 6581 2414 (9am to 1pm, Monday to Friday by Wednesday 12 March) for more information or to reserve a seat.

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