Burning to learn

Money well spent - U3A president Kevin Pike, Lyne MP Dr David Gillespie, U3A secretary Sue Moll and treasurer Lorraine Beukers at the new facilities.

THE fit-out and upgrade of Port Macquarie’s U3A or University of the Third Age facilities in Port Macquarie is nearing completion.
Federal Member for Lyne Dr David Gillespie recently secured $50,000 in federal funding under the Abbott-Truss Government’s new Community Development Grants program to help the college complete the fit-out of its new premises and install new facilities.
Last week Dr Gillespie visited the new facilities of the new premises next to St Agnes Lodge.
“This new premises has all the modern equipment required to deliver its broad range of local courses,” he said.
“There are plenty of areas for the various classes, workshops and lectures and I am delighted that U3A has been successful in their funding application to make this all a reality. They are to be congratulated on their efforts.”
Over 750 locals across the Port Macquarie-Hastings area undertake various courses at U3A including languages, philosophy, art and crafts and gardening among just a few.
U3A was formed:
* To provide intellectually stimulating programs of learning and the social contacts arising therefrom for mature age people in partial or complete retirement;
* To deliver these programs through a voluntary, self-help community; and
* To improve the quality of life of members and to demonstrate that intellectual capacity can be maintained well into the third age.
More information about U3A can be found at www.pmhu3a.org.au or phone 6584 4192.

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