Grant to turn heads

THE North Coast has received a government boost of almost half a million dollars to promote tourism in the region.
Port Macquarie MP Leslie Williams announced last week a grant of $484,250 to promote tourism from the government’s Regional Visitor Economy Fund.
“The money will be used to implement two themed self-drive campaigns promoting The Legendary Pacific Coast,” Mrs Williams said.
“The campaign will invite visitors to explore a range of destinations, activities and attractions and help entice visitors to journey off the highway to experience the hinterland and coastal destinations.
“This will be a shot in the arm for towns right across the Hastings, Camden Haven and Manning areas, especially businesses who rely on tourists as a primary source of income.”
Earlier this year, the NSW government committed $21.6 million to the Regional Visitor Economy Fund over three years – a $6 million increase.
Tourism in Regional NSW was worth more than $13.7 billion in visitor expenditure as at year end September 2013, an increase of 11.1 per cent on the previous year.

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