IF you have made a New Year resolution to become fitter or healthier, or lose some of those extra kilos, then it’s time to make walking part of your day. Walk to public transport, use the stairs, or park further away from the shops.
Local walk co-ordinator Margo Johnston from the Mid North Coast Local Health District encourages members of the community to join a Heart Foundation walking group.
“Joining Heart Foundation walking will help you make being active a regular part of your day,” she said. “Remember, as little as 30 minutes of daily walking will give you a health benefit.
“There are local walking groups in most towns and some villages and most are open to all levels of fitness and ability.
“There are more than 1000 walking groups throughout Australia and local groups that are suited to all levels of fitness and lifestyles – dog walking groups, parents with prams, people who are just getting active after years on the couch and faster paced walkers.
“Walkers tell us they love the connection with their local community that a free Heart Foundation walking group provides. It also helps people to stay committed, knowing their group is waiting for them. Just pull on a comfortable pair of shoes and you have all the equipment needed to start living a more active life.”
For more information about a walking group near you call 1300 36 27 87 or visit the website at www.heartfoundation.org.au/walking