THE inspirational story of young Christian Zac Young, who was killed by a shark last month in Coffs Harbour, continues to live on.
Earlier this week the regional director of Youth For Christ (where Zac was an intern) Darryl Carter said he had received over 150 messages on Facebook and via email in the last week alone, from people offering their condolences or wondering how they could help and continue Zac’s message. This included contact from three young people who would like to become interns next year, following directly in the young surfer’s footsteps.
He himself had also been involved with a baptism at Town Beach last week of Dylan Rumble, the young man who lent Zac a fin to go body boarding shortly before his death.
He knew churches were also experiencing the same upsurge in interest.
“Calls to me included an older guy who followed Jesus when younger and wandered away and through Zac’s story he wanted to re-engage and get his life back on track,” Mr Carter said.
He said there was no doubt that God had been working through Zac.
“Everywhere he went, he shared his faith and stories of transformation in young people followed. His goal was to impact the world for Jesus,” Mr Carter said.
“While we would prefer to still have Zac with us, it is pleasing to see Zac’s life continues to impact people, in this community and beyond. In the past week we’ve seen a number of young people commit their lives to Jesus as a result of Zac’s life.
“Zac only had a short time on earth as a Christian. It is our hope, as I know it would be Zac’s, that his story does not leave you in despair but that it would inspire you.”
Details of how you can donate to Youth For Christ to help fund interns are in the advertisement on P11 of this issue.