Next stop is Vietnam

Port Macquarie High School students Erin Badenoch, Sahara Hargraves, Oliver Cowan and Jack Cornish heard first-hand stories about the Vietnam War.

THE travelling bus museum Nambus visited seven local schools last week, including Port High and Westport High.
The Nambus is operated by volunteers from the Central Coast branch of Vietnam Veteran Association and hosts a display of war items and photography.
Staffed by three volunteers, the bus has been visiting schools in Port Macquarie for the past 10 years and has called in at about 30 schools a year.
On their visit to the Hastings the veterans were joined by local veterans who told their stories to the gathered students.
History classes heard first-hand accounts of what life was like being conscripted initially then doing basic training before being shipped out and into harm’s way.
The veterans also told of the shameful way they were treated by the Australian public on their return.
They were spat at and generally made to feel they were despised.
Some spoke of depression and turning to alcohol to cope.

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