Broadband check-up

David Gillespie with Federal Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

AN audit of the region’s telecommunications infrastructure, including clarification of the status of the rollout of the National Broadband Network (NBN) will be conducted on the Mid North Coast.
The audit was requested by Federal Lyne MP Dr David Gillespie during a meeting with Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull last week.
“This past week, I took the opportunity to go to Sydney to meet with Minister Turnbull to discuss some of my initial concerns in relation to telecommunication on the coast,” Dr Gillespie said.
“We spoke about a range of issues including the National Broadband Network rollout, exchange capacity and some of the black spot areas needing attention.
“The minister agreed to arrange for an audit of telecommunications on the coast so we could begin working together to address some of the issues that have been raised with me about broadband access, broadband speed and areas where potential black spots could be addressed.”
Dr Gillespie said he expected the audit to be undertaken over the next few months and would work with the minister to address areas needing attention.
“The minister has some particularly significant challenges ahead trying to fix the mess the government has inherited with the botched roll-out of the NBN,” he said.
“The fortunate thing for our nation is that we have the right person as Communications Minister to unravel this mess and begin rolling out a National Broadband Network that will deliver much faster broadband much sooner, and cost far less than the former government’s plan.”

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