Catching a break with the weather

Geoff Shelton, David, Jayden, Zach and Nathan Clark ably assisted by daughter Mia display some of the fish presented to the weighmaster.

SUNDAY’S ocean and weather conditions were near perfect for fishing, with a slight south-westerly blowing, very slight seas and only a slight southerly current.
Eight boats ventured seaward with 19 fisherpersons on board fishing off Big Hill to the north and Lake Cathie to the south.
The club’s barbecue and weigh-in commenced at noon and was very well supported by members, families and friends. Fish that greeted the weigh-master included kingfish, flathead, snapper, pearl perch, morwong, trag and the great eating pigfish.
The best boat on the day was Easybeat skippered by Geoff Shelton with 16.16 points and the close runner-up was No Name 2 skippered by David Clark with 13.72 points.
The award for the heaviest catch was won by Michelle Evans with 14.20 points, the award for the best morwong was won by Geoff Shelton with a fish of .660kg, the prize for most species was won also by Geoff Shelton with four different species and the prize for the best of other species was also won by John Robertson with a mack tuna tipping the scales at 2.98kg.
The junior award was won by Caleb Brynes and the raffle was won by Barry Ingram. The club’s marble draw was won by Nathan Clark.
The club’s next outing will be held on Sunday 10 November. The weigh-in and barbecue will commence at noon at the marina.
Anyone wishing to join the club or attend the weigh-ins and barbecue is most welcome. For further information please contact president Geoff Shelton on 0421 324 773.

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