Fluoride focus

Citizens of the Hastings are holding an information evening at the Wauchope Country Club at 7pm on Thursday, March 1.
The primary goal of the meeting is to inform the community of the potential detrimental effects on human health by the ingestion of toxic poison, industrial waste often referred to as Fluoride. We begin by examining the importance of pure water on human health.
We will discuss the effects on human health and the environment. No environmental study has been performed in Australia. No human health study has been performed in Australia. Remember doctors were featured advertising cigarettes not too long ago, claiming they had wonderful effects on human health.
We will also look at how to filter the water in the home so the community can drink it, a complete cost imposition on the consumer.
We will discuss the undemocratic process of the council and state government in enforcing this toxic waste into the community water supply.
Because government makes a law, it does not make it right. We the people demand that those that assume authority over the community listen to us. We live in a changing Australia, where governments through bureaucratic rule, encouraged by corporate interests, demand that citizens accept their legislation without resistance.
We live in a generation where information is readily available, and all who are willing to investigate will discover that this waste product is dangerous. There is evidence of lessened IQ, dental fluorosis, links to weakened kidney and thyroid function, blindness and deformities in children and an increase in cancers. All this evidence is not looked at by Australian governments and health departments that continue to dance to the pied piper of tradition.
Spread the message, bring your neighbours.

Leon Pittard

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