Half a million for nothing

Like many folks I want to work and get off the dole/pension.
This is what our society expects of those who can and this is what I thought I was doing retraining via the wonderful folks at TAFE and RTOs.
I didn’t expect work straight away, nor x-amount of dollars because I hold “these’ bits of paper. I’m a realist. I lack current experience, not knowledge, qualifications, passion, desire or ability to work.
After three years of being constantly told by those who purport to assist the unemployed things like;
â—  To gain more experience – offering to work for free is actuality a dirty little four letter word that’s viewed with suspicion and scepticism by job providers, employers and recruitment agencies.
â—  We get government money to assist job seekers; but there is no money (HUH?)
â—  You’re not registered with us; we won’t provide the selection criteria or any information about that position to you.
I want to work, am willing to leave family and friends for work anywhere in Oz.
But really why should I? I don’t do anything at all for $700 p/fortnight. On average another 40 good years of life left in me yet. Please do the maths.
I live in a very beautiful place with a great lifestyle on the Mid North Coast.
So taxpayers, I say work harder, work longer, you will pay more tax and then some politician wanting to win an election will give the likes of me a pay rise for doing nothing.

Jeffrey Stubbs

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